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Our areas
of specialization

Banking, Finance & Insurance

Our Banking, Finance & Insurance Industry Team is made up of individuals specialising in cybersecurity, risk management, digital product innovations, branch staff and investment banking.

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Pharma, Healthcare & Life Science

Our dedicated Pharma, Healthcare & Life Science team is made up of Headhunters specialising in relationships with companies that manufacture medical devices, health informatics, pharmaceutical companies and hospitals in the public and private sectors.

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Consultancy & ICT/Digital

The Consultancy & ICT/Digital Industry Team is made up of Headhunters specialising in consultancy, ICT and Digital Technology. Their experience includes a wide range of skills typical of this Industry, such as Digital Transformation, CyberSecurity, Software Development, Big Data, Business Intelligence, IT Governance, IT Risk Management, ERP and CRM.

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Engineering & Telco

Engineering & Telco is Reverse's department made up of Headhunters specialising in searching and selecting individuals with a technical background and relevant design skills, which are increasingly sought after by companies with structured R&D departments.

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Manufacturing & Industrial

Manufacturing is a broad sector, with many different markets, and one that is constantly adapting both to the needs of consumers and to the latest innovations in production technologies.

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Fashion, Luxury & Retail

Our Fashion, Luxury & Retail Industry Team is made up of Headhunters who are experts in search and selection for roles including Sourcing & Costing Manager, Supply Chain Manager, Buyer, Retail Manager, Category Manager, Brand Manager, Visual Merchandiser, Store Manager, Product Manager, Customer Relations Manager, e-Commerce Manager.

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Automotive & Energy / Oil & Gas

Our Automotive & Energy / Oil & Gas Industry Team specialises in relationships with System Engineers, Electrical and Mechanical Designers, Site Managers, Buyers, Plant Managers, Maintenance Managers, Product Specialists, Technical Department Managers, AutoCad Experts, Design Engineers and Project Managers.

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The role of our Logistics Industry Team is to respond to the search and selection needs of European companies looking for logistics and transport staff.

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Our Food division is made up of Headhunters specialising in the Food industry, in production as well as distribution, marketing and catering.

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